Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fishy weekend PF&P

Hope this weekend finds all you photographers out there fish'n for the biggest fish'n story of the day!

Remember to take your filters with you to knock that glare off the water.

Your polarizer will make all the difference in the world for you to capture that award winning photo of your young one reel'n in the biggest trout at the fish'n derby or maybe you fall'n in the water trying to get that GREAT shot.

I mention PF&P, in the little town where I used to live a lot of guys I knew participated in a ritual sacrifice of their well being and health to PARTY, FISH & YES FOLKS PUKE and escape their everyday rat race and their womenfolk!
To drink liquor,eat sushi {just cuz I kant kook to gud} which brings us to the end where the Puke'n part comes in!

Enjoy!! Cause Monday is com'n at us lickety split!!!!

So lots o' luck to ya all out there catch'n fish, colds or wild women left behind by the first day of fish'n.

"It is not the quanity of the meat , but the cheerfulness of the guests, which makes the feast"


Til Next time
Happy Hippie Trails


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Hippie Birthday

Welcome Friends
Today is the day for [Me] we all like to call our birthday, the day we entered this strange place however many moons ago that was, we wonder/wander around acting out as though we have an idea what is going on. You know by following the clock, the calender or what ever the measure of time be that most of us have to adhere to, to attain money, a paycheck; I worked xxx number of hours!
Let us look at that word hour it is Middle English from Anglo Norman French "ure", via Latin from Greek hora, season, hour. Is it not strange that when we look at the main part of the word which is "our" very little of the hours are ours! When we look at "ours" and its origin it comes from Old English "ure" of Germanic origin; related to us and German "unser". As we peer even deeper into the word "unser" it is used in this way "{unser}ious or lighthearted" or {unser} viceable, not in working order!! But We all know that an hour in the mind of getting paid is neither lighthearted nor {unser}viceable! I have always been able to tell with fair accuracy what time of the day it is, no alarm clock, no wristwatch, no "big ben" pocket watch like my beloved "Frank" my WWI veteran cousin who I always called "Uncle Frank" who when asked what time it was he would reach into the watchpocket of his green union suit, set a stern eye at "big ben" and state." Well by my time it's noon but by them crazy bastards it is 1:00! Frank never believed in changing his timepiece for daylight savings time. So as he said "By MY TIME it's noon! We should all just try MIND {OUR} own time and to hell with everybodys elses time and timepieces. Today is MY DAY MY TIME MY LIFE. "Carpe Diem"

As I continue on my quest at 58 years or approx 21,170 days, 1764 months old I leave you all with these immortal words of Longfellow:

"What is time?--The shadow on the dial, the striking of the clock, the running of the sand, day and night, summer and winter, months, years centuries-- these are the arbitrary and outward signs-- the measure of time, not time itself. Time is the life of the soul."


Back tomorrow with photo tips and more if there is T I M E!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Experimentation Ah' Yes

I trust your week has begun with a smile! Have you had your trusty camera working these past few days experimenting with perspective by using different lenses from the same aspect.
Let me know how your doing and please come back for more tips and projects from me.

"A rocking horse makes motion but no forward progress"

Please visit my website

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Join ME

Technorati Profile

Sunday Sunday

My tip for the day is to relax and enjoy the blast of winter that has beset upon us folk here in the frigid north. How about doing a creative project with your images. Start by choosing one lens of your choice, say a wide angle 28mm fixed only, {no zoom} shoot a weeks worth of images in your everyday enviornment with it, then for the following week choose a different lens shoot all images from the same aspect compare your images and see what you learn about creativity and perspective. Take your newly found creativity and do a collage or a mobile. Make the mundane Monster. Let me know what you learned. Pop me an image of your creation. Happy shooting.

"It is the treating of the commonplace with the feeling of the sublime that gives to art its true power."
Jean Francois Millet

Check out my homepage

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Home on the Range

How much flash range do you achieve by moving to a faster ISO?
The rule is: "Double the distance four times the speed." Hence if your flash range is good to 20 feet at 100 ISO, at 400 ISO it will be good to 40 feet. This should be true for digital as well as film.

"Common Sense is the Measure of the Possible"
Henri Frederic Amiel

The winds of Ol' man winter has set upon me here at blessing me with over 9 inches of fluffy white snow in South Central Pennsylvania.
The forecasters said 3-6 inches! I want a job where I can usually be wrong and still get PAID.

BRRR over and out!

Check out my homepage

Friday, March 16, 2007

Whole Lotta Shak'n Going On

Remember the slowest shutter speed which you can safely handhold a camera is one over the focal length of the lens being utilized, as shutter speeds slow camera shake will result in a overall fuzziness or loss of sharpness {rule of thumb is 50mm lens equals 1/60th.}

You can always try bracing your camera on a steady surface or break out the flash and the tripod or monopod. Just quit your shak'n baby

'Tis hard {but glorious} to be poor and honest: an empty sack can hardly stand upright; but if it does,'tis a stout one.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunset perfection

To capture a perfectly exposed sunset, meter the area directly above the sun, but not the sun itself. If you want the scene to look as though it is later say by a half hour or so stop down one f-stop or use your camera's exposure compensation and set it to-1.

"Man comes as a novice to each age of his life"
Nicolas Chamfort

Here in the north spring shows it's head as old man winter reminds us that even though we have sprung forward early, winter is not to leave for a bit yet.
So enjoy the weather for if you don't like it have no fear it will change.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Grey Card blues

A great way to get a midtone reading that will render a good overall exposure of the scene at hand is to use an 18% grey card. What you say you don't have one handy, no problem just taking a reading off your open palm facing the light source, then open up roughly one stop, then shoot! Skin tones do vary but rarely make more than a one stop difference in the setting.

Enjoy your spring like day and Get out and shoot a spring time scene.

"The happiest of all lives is a busy solitude."

Stop back for more photo tips from let your comment and your favorite photo tips as well.
Dick Bloom

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring has Sprung!!

With all of these sunny days on the way, remember the old tried and true rule the "Sunny 16 Rule" which is the basic exposure for an average scene taken on a bright sunny. The rule is f/16 at a shutter speed equivalent to one over the ISO setting or f/16@1/100 sec at an ISO of 100 from this you can interpolate You can try f/11 on a bright but cloudy day and give f/22 a go at the beach.


"Spring Hangs Her Infant Blossoms on the Trees,
Rocked in the Cradle of the Western Breeze."
William Cowper

Stop back for more tips from Dick Bloom