Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Whats in your pocket?

The blurry image is the only known image of Lincoln at Gettysburg!

Thanks to the Library of Congress for the image. {update:recently there is to have been a second photo found}

These images are of James Getty, Gettysburg's Renown Abe Lincoln Impressionist jimgetty.com/

On the night Abe Lincoln passed to his reward April 14, 1865.. the items found in his pockets were a curious lot. Got any idea what the items were? The why is the mysterious part of the items. Stay tuned, read the next entry and you will find out the anwser.

Till next post adios from Dick Bloom. Check out my website dickbloom.com

"The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind is, curiosity."

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Interesting Newspaper

An image of Fort Deleware

click to read

This is Volume 1 of a newspaper published by the prisoners of Fort Delaware Civil War Prisoner Camp in April 1865 complete with ads!

The complex known as Fort Delaware was erected on a marshy island known as Pea Patch Island the fort covered about 6 acres and was utilized as a prison for Confederate prisoners of war

"General Terror" Albin F. Schoepf was commandant of Fort Delaware Civil War Prison and both he and the hell hole of a prison were dreaded by the Confederate troops, the majority of them had been captured during the Gettysburg campaign and were men from the 26th Georgia Regiment, CSA.

At Fort Delaware, there were, at times, 10,000 Southern prisoners after Gettysburg the population rose to some 13,000 poor souls.

A goodly number of men died of disease such as smallpox, scurvy and dysentery severe malnutrition abounded the camp. Water was putrefied and food scarce.

A prisoner, Captain John S. Swann comments on the food and conditions at the hell hole, "We formed in line and marched to the mess hall, in which were several long rows of plank tables with pieces of bread and meat arranged along the sides at intervales of some two feet. When we were in place each prisoner took one ration. The bread was made of rye and wheat flour, well cooked, but the piece very small, about half enough for a well man. The meat a small chunk of beef. Occasionally all sinew or mostly bone. It was cut up very carelessly and very small, not half a ration. Some days the bread was substituted with crackers, and these were hard days on us. We were permitted to take these rations to our bunks. I ate mine but remained very hungry. When dinner came the same thing was repeated, except there was occasionally a tin cup of what was called corn soup very tasteless and insipid, with little or no grease."

He also wrote: "Not long after my arrival I heard a cry "Rat call! Rat call!" I went out to see what this meant. A number of prisoners were moving and some running up near the partition, over which a sargeant was standing and presently he began throwing rats down. The prisoners scrambled for the rats like school boys for apples, none but some of the most needy prisoners, and the needy were the large majority, would scramble for these rats. Of course but few were lucky enough to get a rat. The rats were cleaned, put in salt water a while and fried. Their flesh was tender and not unpleasant to the taste."

I published this today as I watched the Sunday news shows with all of the horrors com'n across about Iraq and Afghanistan wondering to myself just exactly what have we learned when it comes to the humane treatment of Prisoners of War.

Will some blogger be writing and publishing about the atrocities taking place today but not to see the light of day for many a year to come.

I'd like to think not, but compassion is one thing I am sure needs to be learned from this type of history.

Think about how you feel. Are you compassionate or do you think that kind of treatment of prisoners is valid.

Would the prisoners at Gitmo be allowed to write a NEWSpaper?

Have we grown in our sensibilities or have we grown harder in our stance on prisoners.

Let me know what ya think folks Please.

"Behavior is a mirror in which everyman displays his image"

I bid you adieu till the next post and thanks for coming by and allowing me to share my thoughts,opinion, stories and from time to time advice.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Something on my mind

Shady Sadie taking time to smell the roses! okay its a tulip she still tak'n the time RIGHT!


O'siyo Oginalii
Hello Friends

Welcome!Wakan Tankan Nici Un
(May the Great Spirit walk with you)

As we walk through this world of experiences some seem only aware of their immediate surroundings never projecting beyond that comfort zone, now don't get me wrong, I fully believe that having a comfort zone is a grand accomplishment but I feel that it should not be a physical place but a zone that one operates in and it moves with them as they trod the path of life.

I've heard it called one's prayer field {what energy you project to all the world as you interact with it} hence if we learn to accept that all that exists
as fluid energy ever present and available to help us build our personal power so positive thought and balance draws a positive result, just as a negative or dark projection creates negativity,doubt,resentment and a blockage to the positive flow of the universal energy about our perceived plight.

The reason I bring this thought to the blog today is quite personal because within the last month I have been fortunate to make several wonderful contacts with powerfully positive folk, two of these per chance meetings have created a powerful charge to my personal energy system at the same time I have some dear friends that have had some setbacks in their perceived comfort zone and are creating massive stress by not making lemonade out of the bag of bitter energy they are resenting their circumstance. This just proves to me further that this universal energy pool is REAL not a DREAM we live in.

So if you are perceiving a blockage. I am going to give you two things that I was told to me by my loving parents. One time when I was burning the candle at both ends, I would work on a home I had bought late into the night and frame houses in VA. during the day spending sometimes as many as 5 or so hours on the road commuting, one night when I had stopped at my folks on the way to my project home they wanted me to stay and have supper with them, I said I'd grab something to eat later. My dad who was a man of few words but when he said something it was on point for certain. You better remember to stop and smell the roses along the path. I of course didn't really get it until he had passed and my life took an unexpected negative turn I got it then.

One must take the time to reflect on the energy we put out and take a look around ourselves and a quote I am stealing from Cheryl Crow seems to tell the tale "It ain't about getting what you want, it is about wanting what you got!" My mom, a strong and powerfully opinionated woman, a nurse for most of her life. Mom's advice was if ya want to keep moving in life, Keep moving no matter what. So with my dad wanting to smell the roses and mom's thought about moving I know why and how they had the balance in life to be together forever as I am certain they still are walking hand in hand moving down the big trail stopping to smell the roses of LIFE!

Thanks for reading my thoughts I needed to get that out of this old creaky body/brain so I too can keep on moving and still smell the sweet fragrance of positive flowing energy.

"Everyone is poorer in proportion as he has more wants, and counts not what he has,but wishes only for what he has not."

The reason I choose to start the blog today with the Native American translations is that the first people do not work to have material goods
the had good materials that they would Thank the Great Spirit for their good fortune and abundance whether it was counting coup or a successful hunt.
They understood as my dad had learned that lesson as well and I consider myself to be blessed that my dad and mom passed that knowledge forward unto a wretch like me.

Hippie trails my friends til next time

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Howdy Friends

"This image is of a United States Flag Retirement Ceremony"
A rare image

Howdy to all my friends folks and fellow photographers

Hope this day finds you still sitt'n up tak'n nourishment!

Can ya believe that this year is flying by a such a clip.

A question to all the photographers out there has anyone been contacted by a this company http://www.stockphotopro.
It seems that they're a new stockphoto company they seem to be using mass mailings for their promotion, not many people have heard of them and from the reading I've done not many folk want to be involved, they only pay 20% and 30% after you have 300 photos posted!

Does any one have any great places to sell their artwork? Please let me know so I can pass the word around.

Please be sure to check out Crosby Stills Nash and Young's New Movie
it is coming out the July 25th.

Neil Young was on Charlie Rose, a great interview with a man with a vision
the vision being trying to create energy efficient vehicles by conversion of our current cars. I personally drive a 1965 Ford Falcon Ranchero that gets over 25 mpg.

The new movie looks interesting check it out at;



It is short blog today but I am like Arnold "I'll be Back!"

"War is the business of Barbarians."

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Back

Gee this place is kinda dusty ain't checked in to see what condition my condition was in for many a moon.

Many things changing in my life but I can see the error of my ways by not showing up everyday at the blog and my website. Please forgive me.

I am still doing some photography, but my focus is currently on the studying the local history of my area which includes Gettysburg PA. In my blog I will still be offering photo tips, but the blog will now include much more in gathering and distibuting info on the local flair of history in and around Adams County PA of which Gettysburg is the county seat.

If anyone has any stories tales, fables, rumors or just facts about the revolutionary war, American civil war,. these can be about your families friends, or stories of interest to historians, or folk interested in learning more about our beloved past.

I will be trying to gather knowledge about the much forgotten native peoples history of the area. Any First People reading this please help me if you can, I am of native descent according to my relatives particularily my late grandmother Josephine Mackley Kepner, her mother Mary Perry was from the Bolivar, New York area and was said to be a full blood {I am not sure of the tribe at this time} but am researching that currently.

Okay folks there is a short update on Dick Bloom

Please check back daily.

(Cherokee) Afrika

Ho! Mitakuye Oyasin

"We Are All Related"