Tis the days I dread for it is stink'n hot here at dickbloom.com
Thanks to the ya'll for visting my blog I hope you find it informative, send me an email let me know what you think or what you would like me to help you with.
I am stil waiting for someone to tell me what the images are actually of. Come on I know some of you folks can figger it out!
I guess you all are camped out waiting for the BIG I Phone release.
Not me sorry to say.It looks cool but I just don't need to stay that much in touch with the world and the internet as well, I heard that some folks with obviouly to much cash are paying folks to stand in line for them so they can get the latest tech toy.
Crazy Crazy Crazy
The U.S. is get'n
Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazier