No it is not what you think it is about fooling folks that view your images to take a real look at what the are viewing.
You can accomplish this by moving in on a particular aspect of a scene whether it is the texture of the sidewalk or the awesome green vein of a leaf! Who is to say? Do you ever watch a movie or a show on tv and you see more than the talking heads in front of your eyes? Can you remember the time on the clock in the background or what the sign read in the far left corner, what color was the car that just went by, can you remember the liscense number?
These are all exercises in helping accenutate your visual accuity. What and how much can you see in your minds eye as well as with your peepers.
Just remember exercise your minds eye to see MORE !
"Don't Despair of a student if he has one clear idea"
Any guesses what these abstract art images are actually a photo of ,if so let me know at kidfalcon@comcast.net
Check out my website dickbloom.com or email me at kidfalcon@comcast.net
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