Thursday, August 14, 2008

John Burns known as the "Old Patriot" was the only civilian wounded during the actual battle in the battle of Gettysburg, and despite the taunting his fellow soldiers gave him for his out of date flintlock, out-of-style clothes, Burns was a fierce patriot a veteran of the War of 1812 who fought for the Union until gunshot wounds--at least three of them--put him out of the battle. Several years after the war had ended, Burns, now seventy-five, since his notoriety was often asked to give tours of the field on which he fought so valiantly one day while he was was walking in the woods where he had stood against the Rebs at the McPherson farm an apparition of a Reb soldier stepped into his path to menace him with a rifle. Burns turned and swiftly walked out of the woods, never to return to that part of the forest again. He said that he could fight the Rebs but could not fight the ghosts.

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