Monday, October 10, 2011

MUD Yumm

Few Federals drank their coffee with milk; it was not part of the ration and cost too much to buy from the sutler. Coffee with sugar was usually the order of the day when it came to sucking down a cup of camp coffee.

When the troops received sugar rations most soldiers mixed with their coffee at the time of issue. This ensured a somewhat sweet cup of coffee each time it was made.

With rarely, any shortage of coffee beans, many regiments were issued out of the ordinary rifles, one per 100-man company, with a coffee grinder built into the stock.

The standard recipe for brewing the best coffee was slow roasted over a low fire, "until of a chestnut brown color and not burnt, as is so commonly done."

It was to be boiled briskly for two minutes, then take from the fire at once, a little cold water thrown in, then the boiler's contents poured through a piece of flannel after it had settled for five minutes."

Sounds like Starbucks RIGHT!

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