Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Old Superstitions Regarding Dreams and What They Mean

The world of dreaming is all about the unconscious mind trying to sort out a person’s deep thoughts while the body rests. According to research, folks spend about one third of their lives in the dream state and just because you don’t always recall dreams does not mean that the mind is not drifting into dream worlds.

Many times when dreams are recalled they are mysterious and somewhat disoriented and that is where superstitions have crept into cultures.

The American Indians believe that when dreaming one can solve conflicts in one’s mind and various wishes when dreamed about can be fulfilled.

The Japanese believe that ancestors visit dream space to help resolve individual’s inner conflicts.

Most cultures in some way or another believe that dreams are in some way connected with God.

Some of the thoughts of what various objects in dreams mean are rather odd. In Newfoundland dreaming of white things means snow in summer, dreaming of black things is lucky, dreaming about eggs means you will get a beating.

Folks who live on Prince Edward Island believe that if you dream of catching fish that is a sign of good luck.

In Alabama, a dream is about lice it is a sign of coming wealth, but if you live in Topsail, Newfoundland and dream about lice, it is a sign of enemies.

While if, you happen to be in Brunswick, New York and dream of pigs that is a sign of good luck.

Poet John Newton in his poem {On Dreaming} stated; “One thing, at least, and 'tis enough, We learn from this surprising fact; Our dreams afford sufficient proof The soul, without the flesh, can act.”

This is original work and is copyrighted to BuckHorn Design/Dick Bloom

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