Sunday, August 27, 2017

A note on Immigrant workers

Sheriff Joe Arpaio can now go on the record with the racist heroes 45 finds so enticing to his views, alongside the portrait of his racist hero # 7 {indian killer}, his trail of tears, being a land robber to plant cotton on those lands, need more be stated!

I haven't heard 45 denounce Jackson as a racist murderer on many sides, native American, slaves and those who stood against his racist policies

The Art of the Dealopens with this now-familiar tall tale: “I don’t do it for the money. I’ve got enough, much more than I’ll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form.”

"Donald Your art form is ugly"

or anything else for that matter
so lets not buy his skewed rhetoric 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Smart phones social inadequacy devices for the socially disabled! A new word {SMOMBIE} and a new world for certain!

What a Gorgeous day here in PA! Please Enjoy the input!
Does anyone under the age of 40 know what this device is known as?

I just returned to my humble abode after a short ride in the rural area in which I reside, it just amazes me that in this rural area with a lot of new folk building their McMansions that they all must have broken arms or maybe its just their brain pan not being up to operating temperature yet. At one time in this area when you passed a  neighbor or anyone for that matter you would give and receive a simple wave, an acknowledgement of some sort, a friendly social message, now one should consider themselves fortunate for a possible nod,very seldom a wave. Mostly what you see is dead stare or even sometimes the one finger salute!

Yet I see folks running their piehole on their so called smartphones what a joke that term is! When a device is brainier than the operator, that is not very{SMART} but is that a good thing?

Here is a bit of input I recently stumbled upon concerning smart devices but lets says not so brainy operators!

Here is a new term to me {smombie…combo of smartphone and yes zombie} you see the fools everywhere, a person walking and not paying a lick of attention to where they are, nor what they are doing, possibly not even knowing who they are without checking their name tag!!!

Hence what is the next law?

"Distracted walking" with the penalty being the loss of smartphone for a number of days, months or in some cases life with no phone. lmao or even making them use a rotary dial bakelite phone on a party line with Mr. Jones,Ol' Miss Biddy, and five other folks listening in on granny's chocolate chip recipe and the gossip in betwixt ingredients!

That is for all of the geezers that know what a Bakelite phone or a party line is!!

Now in Augsburg, Germany the city fathers have had to embed pedestrian traffic signals in the sidewalks so the operators of SMARTPHONES who are obviously not bright enough to keep from being run over at crosswalks and such!

In Chongquing, China, slow moving walking lanes were established on sidewalks called "mobile lanes for slow moving smombies!

PLEASE enjoy this page of smartphone funnies input

I just had address this issue, I saw an individual texting while riding a rice rocket !

As ol 'Earl Pitts stated in a Penn lines column a number of years ago and all of this to replace ten cent phone call!


Stay tuned to this station for more of my banter!
My thoughts on texting next time!

Thanks for visiting my cafe

Dick Bloom
BuckHorn Design

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention {Heather Heyer's last post/quote}

If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention {Heather Heyer's last post/quote}

My heartfelt condolences go out to the family of a courageous young woman that died for her belief in trying to do the right thing…Thank you

Howdy Folks

Does this sound like any individual the country may being dealing with???

"If a child hasn't been given spiritual values within the family setting, they have no familiarity with the values that are necessary for the just and peaceful functioning in society."        

-- Eunice Baumann-Nelson, Ph.D, PENOBSCOT  

Some health news for veterans!


The VA Can’t Provide Cannabis to Veterans With PTSD, so This Group Gives It Out for Free!! 

check out this link to become enlightened

It gets worse by the moment in this old country we love to call home! By worse I mean as far as our freedoms!

I try to understand the puzzle of why a so called businessman claims to be the leader of the FREE world.
I have stated for many years that this individual was more of a "biznessman" in giving us the business!

A old statement from the past pops into my ol' beat up brain

Thanks to Alamy stock photo

Just remember when anyone starts out with the phrase, 

Believe Me!!!! Run as fast as you can in the other direction!

With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide
With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.

 Zig Ziglar

On the Gettysburg Park Monuments

Gettysburg National Military Park preserves, protects, and interprets one of the best marked battlefields in the world. Over 1,325 monuments, markers, and plaques, commemorate and memorialize the men who fought and died during the battle of Gettysburg and continue to reflect how that battle has been remembered by different generations of Americans.

Many of these memorials honor southern states whose men served in the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.

These memorials, erected predominantly in the early and mid-20th century, are an important part of the cultural landscape. The National Park Service is committed to safe guarding these unique and site-specific memorials in perpetuity, while simultaneously interpreting holistically and objectively the actions, motivations, and causes of the soldiers and states they commemorate.

Katie Lawhon
Senior Advisor
Gettysburg National Military Park
Office: 717-338-4402
Cell: 717-253-5776

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why is Andrew Jackson loved by 45! DAMIFINO

I hate to be involved in political oriented issues but sometimes I just can't keep still when misinformation comes into my view and this is just one of those matters!

This concerns some dear friends folks I care for deeply!

Recently some folks are standing up for donald trump and his statements about white nationalists! I stand before my readers as a 68 year old individual who grew up with a deep sense of family. My family has been in Adams county PA for several hundred years. I grew up living in a caring household with my maternal grandparents, my 1st world war uncle, my 2cd world war uncle, a my mother who was mostly in the nursing professional and my dad who was dedicated to hard work as a machinist, I don't believe that any of them ever lost a day of work in their lives on less it was an emergency.

Most importantly my great great grandmother was of Native American heritage!

That is what brings me to take a stand against the racist incident of this past weekend, first off I am not going to say that I am pure in these matters so I won't lie about the fact that when I was a young individual I was not very smart about the ways of hatred and intolerance of others, some would say I knew the ways of a bully, that being stated. I will move on to my problem with the leader who is in office and his inadequate statements of the past 72 hours!

trump first off is certainly not the brightest bulb in the pack in the ways of humankind!

He has never been any more than a bully in his life {check that out for your selves, I am not going to waste my time nor anyone else's on that issue!} My issue with the current state of affairs is that he states as well his minions that he is not a bigot or a racist.

Yet just look and his stance on the authoritarian regimes he seems to endear so much.
Another issue for your own research!

This topic concerns an issue much closer to home. That is his infatuation with another President of these United States. Commonly known by Native Americans a man nicknamed “Indian killer” and “Sharp Knife” an avowed racist named Andrew Jackson!

Yes that is correct! In the oval office which the American folks allow each and every president to use hangs a portrait of the most racist president of all time, at least to this point, we will have to allow history to continue to judge and monitor the out come!

I will give a quick outline but judge for yourself by visiting the indiancountry link!

A.wealthy slave owner
B. infamous Indian killer {named "sharp knife"}
C. waged a brutal military campaign in which he proposed that his raiders methodically murder both native women and their children to ensure total annihilation.  
D. Indigenous genocidal maniac 
E. racist against African peoples
F. A scofflaw who “violated nearly every standard of justice,” according to historian Bertram Wyatt-Brown

G. initiated first Seminole War by invading Spanish Florida chasing fugitive slaves 

Just would love to understand why 45 loves 7! 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Howdy Compatriots

You are not going to get peace with millions of armed men. The chariot of peace can not advance over a road littered with cannon!

David Lloyd George

I just had to say something concerning this atrocity that we as a country sustained this past weekend.

I can not begin to conceive what type of hatred is in any individuals brain pan to ram a 5000 lb. death weapon into a crowd of pedestrians.

I have in the past stated that I did not perceive the confederate flag as a symbol of hatred but one of being a rebel { erroneously separating the word rebel from rebellious} Having grown up in the heart of Civil War history country, I lived in a world of flags, both Yankee and Rebel flags, never really separating the two except as north and south never as good and evil, but both as a horrible heritage of bravery to be distributed
equally between the young men who no doubt were scared to death on both sides of the fray!

Every time I pass down the Emmittsburg Road I wonder what those poor confederate boys who charged the union forces at the copse of trees had in their minds or what the union boys thought as they mowed down wave upon wave of other humans in the fierce melee, was it hatred of blacks or was it because they were forced in to a war of brothers that they were told would only last a few months. {this included my great grandfather, I have his first discharge} What would those men have to say about the controversy of this past weekend in Charlottesville!

Here are some 1938 {75th} Gettysburg Battle reunion images to ponder!

It is now another 79 years and this is the image of the day!

Please pay attention to who said this!

A Union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets, and in which strife and civil war are to take the place of brotherly love and kindness, has no charm for me. 
Please note who stated this! 
Robert E. Lee

Western civilization, Christianity, decency are struggling for their very lives.In this worldwide civil war, race prejudice is our most dangerous enemy,for it is a disease at the very root of our democratic life.

Mordecai Wyatt Johnson

I will add more to this thought process at a later date!