"I want to first of all Thank all my faithful friends to this blog for taking time to visit
I have been adding input on cwb.com about the opening of the new Gettysburg Visitors Center. I have been working with Bob Horner, the creator of LearningwithEase.com an educational process teaching history to the masses.
Currently available at dickbloom.com in the Catalog are products teaching about Jamestown and The Revolutionary War.
Bob is currently researching information about the Civil War which will be available in a quick learn chart much like the Revolutionary War Stair Learning product. Other interesting history products are in the pipeline and are also going to be available on the Catalog page at dickbloom.com as well.
Okay lets get back to the information on the blog!
The images at the top of the blog are a clip from the newly restored Cyclorama Painting and a photo of the Edward Everett
Gettysburg Address Copy.
The Everett Copy was given to him by Lincoln at his request for a remembrance package the long winded orator was putting together to auction off to assist in raising funds for helping the tattered soldiers who fought in the bloody conflicts in the War of the Brothers. Lincoln obliged. The copy has been visiting the new visitors center for three days it is on loan from the Lincoln Museum in Illinois.
The visitors center is huge but it seems as though to me much space has been wasted of course that is only my humble opinion!
The Cyclorama Painting is Great! A wonderful venue for viewing the phenomenon has been created.
My hats off to the restoration crew and I want to; Thank Lisa Hadesman and Dru Neil for the gracious help in my accessing the venue!
This week I will be back to beating the keys on the various topics I bring forth on this blog, I will continue my exploration of "Being a Patriot." Please join the discussion by commenting on my thoughts and positions. Whether pro or con all reasonable input is Welcome.
Till next time Happy trails.
"Success in war,like charity in religion covers a multitude of sins."
"Waste not, want not. Wilful waste makes woful want.
It has always been more difficult for a man to keep than to get;for,in the one case,fortune aids,but in the other,sense is required. Therefore,we often see a person deficient in cleverness rise to wealth; and than in the want of sense, roll head over hills to the bottom."
"Sound like anything in the news today?"
Dick Bloom
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