The {haunted} Sach's Mill Bridge in Snow by dickbloom
Oh My Golly gee I am coming up on Labor Day weekend....!
I was hoping to hear from ya'll bout the copyright thing, I know you're out there come come out wherever you are!!!!!! Let me know what you're thinking, about my info, my rants or whatever is running around inside the ol' noggin ya want to know what I have to say.
Still have not had time to get the pieces cut for the pinhole camera yet but it is on the top 5 list now and not at the bottom of top ten anymore!!
This is gonna be a short one today.
First off! More on the ghostly tales I am gonna be a tell'n around the streets of Gettysburg.
This is a brand new biz where ya don't have to worry about being run over
cause youre not a walk'n the ghoooosssssttttlllyyy streets of haunted Gettysburg, PA no you are riding on a trolley and listening to interest'n facts
and folk tales from ol' Josiah Kepner {me} my alter ego from the civil war period} I will give details as this gig developes over the next few weeks.
Now for the photography aspect.
As you all know the haunted places in the world are now popular destinations for ghost hunters of every shape and form, they roam the streets and battlefields, visit boot hills, paupers graves, anywhere they believe there may be an errant spirit lurking about so they can capture the
friendly ghost on film and slip into the nether world with the ghosts that sit just across the realm in the other world.
Ol' Josiah hopes that you all will bring your imaginations, your thoughts, and your camera so maybe you too can capture orbs or what ever shape the ghost takes on, but just remember the ghosts that roam the nether world maybe looking to be captured on film so they can travel with you back to their new home with you. Did you know the Native Americans did not like being shot with a camera as much as they disliked being shot with a white man's weapon for they believed that you were stealing their spirit, there essence so to speak. So come to Gettysburg
take your best shot and see what happens.....!!!!
There may even be a contest sometime in the future!!!
So long til me meet again my friends. Thanks for visit'n email me.
Happy trails......
Dick Bloom
" What is history but a fable agreed upon? "