Howdy folks
Well here it is Wednesday already I swear I just don't know where the time gets to!!!!
The picture is just to remind us all what is to come in the near future!
Please visit.. dickbloom.comDon't really have a lot of time to spend here today so it will be a short a sweet one.
Have any of you actually visited the pinhole site?
I picked up some of the blackfoam core board and will be starting to cut and assemble my camera over the next few days so if ya'll want to work along with me tune in daily for bit by bit instructions on the build.
I recommend getting your board at your local craft store or where ever you deal I got mine at the WAL it was like 2.50 a sheet, one sheet will do fine.
Make sure you have a good sharp razor or kraft knife. I will using my
matcutter for the precision cuts.I recommend using black duct tape, it is strong and durable and doesn't make your project look like Red Green did it.
Okay get your supplies gathered today and get ready to build. I may even try to photograph the different stages of the build for ya'lls reference.
Gotta run folks enjoy your day!! I am busier that a one legged man in an a--kick'n contest. No offense to anyone I have buggered leg myslf so I know!
Till tommorrow
Dick Bloom
"Victory belongs to the most persevering."
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