"ABE at the Gettyburg Train Station before the Getysburg Address"
"At The Gates of Heaven in Your Mind" by Dick Bloom
Howdy Howdy
Ahh the weather here in Adams has cooled and is feeling fine this beautiful Monday I hope your week finds a smile and your prayer field spread wide and positive.
I received an email from picture.com Maybe some of you have seen or have had contact with the site it is a site that has prize money for GREAT Photos Supposedly!
They have a vote on this photo segment Please if you want to get an idea of what are good and bad photos GO VOTE picture.com And there are ton of photos cutsie photos of pets and kids and other stuff and folks very few are great very few are good and there is ton that just plain SUCK!!!!
So view these photos with a critical eye and when you get the chance to view what people are thinking is their BEST Think back to your images.
Are they really the best that you can do?????
Are they well composed, are they artistic in there subject matter, do they show what the point is you are attempting to bring out ? What about the background? Cluttered,out of focus, a tree or an object growing out of someone's head. Don't just pull the trigger!! SEE what you are Shooting first!
Remember that to take GREAT images you must see the entire image then you can do the whole thing or determine what the focus of the iamge needs to be {Always CROP IN CAMERA} that is a basic rule for old school photographers that did not depend on Adobe or a digital camera to FIX BAD images.......!!!!! No such software exists a Bad image is just That a Bad Image!!
Choose your subject carefully and DO NOT pose your kids/pets in what you think will be cute for the family and try to pass it off as a Great Photo {It might Be} just because it is of your pet with a pair of sunglasses on, unless they started wearing your Foster Grants on their own!!!!
Sometimes those things work but mostly a Grand Portrait of baby will be much more appreciated than the funny hat you put on them, especially when they are a few years older.
Same goes for your precious pet, if they do something goofy on their own grab the camera! But don't make look yourself look foolish by you doing something Goofy {like look I put this cute hat I used to wear on Snoopy} unless they can use your point and shoot!!!!!!
An example if you must put a hat on your cat or pollywog on your dog
do a tight shot of the expression that the subject will bring forth by the action itself. Don't do the deed and then take a photo of the whole area where the pet is sitting. Focus on the ACTION.
Okay I am moving on and will hopefully get that pinhole gig happening SOON I promise.
Enjoy your day!!
Have a very hippie day
"Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere."
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