This is a photo of my new item line I am promoting
This is the Idaho State Quarter presentation, the 43rd to be released in the state quarter commemoratives,mounted with it respective state flag. 43 states are available the rest are yet to be released for more information go to dickbloom.comI know I know! Even though it is nearly tomorrow, here I am at the pinhole.orgol' blog desk! What a gorgeous day here in Adams County you know it just reminded me that fall is right around the corner with that great feel fresh air smell in the atmosphere I even took my camera for a ride but did'nt really see anything that compelled me to say "WOW" I need to shoot that. So it was a great day for having that ol' camera out in the sun.I drove by some streams{trickles} and YES Adams County is having a dry spell for sure.
Now the pinhole camera thing
I hope ya'll had a chance to check out the pinhole link, if not pinhole.org
This is a cool thing I am trying out You can use an oatmeal box or any type container that you can make light tight.
Now I suggest buying some cyanotype paper or "nature print paper" this is paper that just uses sunlight to capture the image and it makes a cyan colored print, then you can process the paper in plain water {no chemicals to mess with} let the kids help!! Make different size pinholes cameras/ big containers/little containers this paper is available at porters.com item #261076 pack of 40 5x7 sheets for $8.79 or #261077 8.5"x11" 20 sheets for $10.99 ask them for a catalog for everything you can think of in the world if you are a photo hound. Like I aid try this out post your results to my e-mail. I may even have contest of some sort , we'll see!!
Remember it is all about being creative and having a blast doing what you are doing.
"Nature is man's teacher, she unfolds her treasures to his search, unseals his eye, illumes his mind, and purifies his heart; an influence breathes from all the sights and sounds of her existence!
Enjoy Life
Later Folks
Dick see ya tomorrow
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