Monday, September 19, 2011

Millionaires are a Joke but not a funny one

This is one of those times I feel the need to speak out!

I want just one of the news commentators to ask the question as to how many congressman and senators fall into the wealthiest of those folks {Republicans and Dems} who think that the poor folk and working stiffs need to foot their extravagant lifestyles of laying on a sunny beach or playing golf at a few hundred a round. Who the hell do they think pays their salaries? If Obama wants my vote again and a lot of my friends as well he would make an across the board pay cut to those ID10T politicians who think that they are holier than thou! After all they seem to forget that we are their employers of their cushy jobs!

Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor.

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything {or anything underhanded} for money.

Here are a few quotes from Ben Franklin to ponder I added the underhanded to the last quote!

In summation, We the people need to stand up to the intense forces of the rich hogs who think they are better than the folks who worked hard and didn't end up with a bundle of money. I heard one individual say that he could barely feed his family on his $400,000 a year pay check. May he and his family choke on every bite of filet mignon they hog down.

STANDUP For Yourself and all those around you.

My hats off to Warren Buffet for his stance on Paying taxes

End of RANT!!!!!!!

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