Digital cameras offer many advantages in the world of imaging today. The biggest advantage of digital over film is the instant gratification of viewing what you just captured thru your lens.
The digital world is in a race with technology much as the days when computers and the software would become obsolete it seemed almost overnight.
When digital cameras first came on the photography scene purists in the photography world said digital was a flash in the pan, film was king and always would be.
The original digital camera manufactured by Nikon Camera and Kodak in the late 1980s had a Kodak computer module hooked to the bottom of the case of a Nikon F3. It had a whopping 1.3 mega pixel range, the price was somewhere around $12,000.
As a photojournalist I would see the AP photographers shooting with those Nikon/Kodak blends and was envious
of the technology. I had a fantastic Nikon F5 film unit which at the time was top of the line it just wasn’t a digital.
Now you can buy a disposal digital camera for $19.95 or less or a great point and shoot for a few hundred dollars or go with a pro DSLR for a few thousand and they are packing a whopping 12 mega pixels or more currently. Now you can capture 6-mega pixel images with your cell phone. Nokia phones even have high resolution Carl Zeiss lenses.
Today’s Digital technology offers photography to the masses much the way Eastman’s $1 Brownie did in 1900.
The advantage of shooting with digital cameras is the ability to purge the photos you feel do not cut the mustard.
No more paying for prints just to see that you missed the money shot.
The ability to edit your images in the digital darkroom on your computer and print your own prints gives the photographer full control from image capture to the final print in house.
The elimination of the cost of film and processing also gives the photographer the ability to be more creative without the added cost of prints in the their pursuit of the magic shot.
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